Cheese and Wine and Kirsty

We've just had a lovely couple of days with Kirsty. During which we visited the ducks, drank tea, went on a bus adventure to Solihull, watched High School Musial and had a hair braiding lesson. Autumn seemed to come with Kirsty (which is good, because it's her favourite season) and we celebrated all this with a spot of cheese and wine.

Cheese and wine Menu:
Marks & Spencers goats cheese,
Marks & Spencers soft and creamy brie,
Snowdonia cheeses amber mist (whiskey) and red devil (chilli)*,
Ben's mystery 18 month nutty cheese,
A bottle of sparkling wine on ice,
A bottle of red decanted,
A jug of mint water
Black olives
Some of Lidl's finest rye breads,
Marks & Spencers posh olive crackers,
and strawberries.

* which we bought in Llangollen during the Eisteddfod.