#22: No Congratulations

Even the cake was in tiers is our series tips for weddings. The title comes from an overused and not so funny wedding speech joke, "It's been an emotional day...". What advice did you wish someone had told you before your wedding? We're collating all the etiquette and expertise here.

I found out this odd little piece of wedding etiquette a few weeks ago from our friends who just got engaged. I wonder if you've already heard it. According to tradition when a couple get engaged and married its only proper to congratulate the fella and not the girl in question. Instead you should just give her your best wishes. It's to avoid sounding like you didn't expect her to get such a nice chap, on the other hand you can congratulate him on catching such a sweet lady.

What do you think? I don't think I could hold in any congratulations to our friends male or female!